Very NSFW: Porno Bloopers
OnTheHunt, Manhunt’s sister partner site, uses real members who meet up and then fuck around. The guys are always pretty hot, but there is a real wild card factor in terms of personality, brains, sensibility, owing to Manhunt’s broad -ahem- usership. the other hook is that OnTheHunt gets real porn stars to kind of coach the amateurs along and direct, so it’s more porny and better shot than the average shitty xtube vid.
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In the behind the scenes videos you get the raw footage, edited minimally, with candid moments. So sometimes the they’re hot and horny but before the real action starts but mostly you get to see guys just being real and funny and sexy.
This one’s no exception. We’ve caught them mid-fuck, and the director (unseen) gives the top guy a little peptalk – he’s about to go back into the game, but changing from offense to defense. The muscular guys in the video and the director banter back and forth about the damage they’re doing to the crappy hotel furnishings.