Brüno Gets Gangbanged, Likes It
Brüno sure is one polarizing dude. Comedian Sacha Baron Cohen’s flamboyantly gay Austrian fashion reporter and his aptly-titled movie The Brüno Movie raked in more than $30 million to top the U.S. box office in its opening weekend, but it sure as hell wasn’t without its share of controversy: GLAAD bashed the flick for reinforcing negative gay stereotypes, the nation of Ukraine banned it outright for being “morally dangerous” and Barbara Walters panned it, explaining in a long-winded rant: “there are close-ups of penises and pubic hair, with it wagging.” Even an alleged Palestinian terrorist threatened to sue Cohen over the flick (talk about not having a sense of humor!). I haven’t seen it yet so I won’t throw in my two cents, but if you’re curious here’s the trailer: