Getting Gaga On the Phone
At this point, I think it’s safe to say Lady Gaga can do no wrong. At least when it comes to making videos. Her latest is a mini movie for “Telephone,” an epic, nine-minute kitschy masterpiece featuring babelicious Beyonce, horny jail-yard dykes, a mass poisoning at a diner and G & B driving off Thelma & Louise -style in Quentin Tarantino’s Pussy Wagon. Oh, and don’t forgot the giant sunglasses made of smokin’ (literally) cigarettes! “Telephone” is the follow-up to her “Paparazzi” video — that one ends with Gaga booked by the police for killing her boyfriend, and “Telephone” starts with her getting thrown in the slammer. “There’s certainly always a hidden message in my music videos,” says Gaga. Let me know if you can decode the secret: