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Sarah Palin: Animal killer!

Came across these images of Sarah Palin beating a fish to death on her stupid reality show and was reminded of this amazing press conference she gave a couple of Thanksgivings ago!

A wonderful conclusion to the Thanksgiving weekend!

NewNowNext: ThanksFisting!

Mike Diamond gets into the holiday spirit!

Check out all his junk:

Hot Guy From NY Strips to Undies for TSA

The very handsome New Yorker Jason Rockwood gave everyone at La Guardia Airport rock hard woodys by strutting up to security in a sexy tank top and square cut boxer briefs!
jason rockwood
Of course, looking over his website it appears that his political leanings are pretty conservative, even a little Tea Bagger-ish, so that’s too bad.

Fortunately we have no problem checking our politics at the bedroom door and would gladly trade a TSA pat down with Mr. Rockwood in exchange for a little tea bag action!


The Partridge Bunch

Wonderfully demented. I hope this trend continues!

I’m thankful for this.

Garrett Coleman Productions

Came across this odd little sit-com mashup. It’s good (if not a bit creepy!).

Are there a lot of people doing this now?

Pope Okays Condoms, but ONLY for Rent Boys

Pope declares that condoms are okay to use to prevent male prostitutes from getting and spreading AIDS!

pope condom

Apparently this waiver does not apply to prostitution transactions that include women, or any sexual activity were a male participant is NOT being paid.

Scenes From A Hair Show

Mike Diamond crashes some hair stylist convention. Or something. But he’s always fun!

Monkey Paw Pussy? There’s a giant white rabbit, too!

Wow. Maybe he’s trying to go for an insanity defense?

I think the lyrics are clever, though:

Steamer trunk in the overhead compartment,
If there was room for that crap I’d make it my apartment!

At least he’s having fun, I think.

Coffins for Porn Addicts

This has been floating around for the last few days, a company in Berlin is offering coffins decorated with images of naked men (or women if you are into that kind of thing.
gay coffins

It would be like you died… and woke up in the bathroom of the A-House in Provincetown!

Favorite part of the Reuters article: “Given estimates which suggest that around one in ten of Cologne’s population is homosexual” Umm. Isn’t that the estimate they say about everywhere?

Punks, Get Off The Grass!

Just got notice of Daniel Nardicio’s “Horn Of Plenty” party planned for next Wednesday, Thanksgiving eve, which will be fantastic, and not to be missed!

Stuck in the middle of all the fun tidbits he always includes in his emails was a link to an mp3 of Edith Massey’s “Punks, Get Off The Grass!” Who knew!? We LOVE her rendition of “Big Girls Don’t Cry”, and her wonderful cameo in John Cougar Melloncamp’s “This Time” but didn’t know there were other numbers in her repertoire!

Thanks for the music Daniel!