Came across this article via a link from TheSword, where some Italian news magazine set up hidden cams to catch priests having gay sex. TheSword links without any comment, but there are a few things that stood out for us right away.

1. They keep calling the priest’s collar his ‘dog collar.’ Is that what people call them in Italy? Because it does make the whole thing sound that much more kinky!
2. it says the reporter has an ‘gay accomplice’ and that one priest “put on his cassock to have sex with the reporter’s gay accomplice.” Umm. Did they pay this accomplice? There is mention of escorts in the article, was this one of them? Or did they find some slutty dude with a priest fetish? And if they paid the accomplice, doesn’t that open up some legal questions? AND, why keep saying ‘gay accomplice?’ Wouldn’t ‘accomplice’ be enough? The accomplice DOES have sex with the priests, so, really we know he’s ‘gay’. Of course, the reporter really just wanted to make sure no one think him gay. God forbid!.
3. And finally, the magazine cover image has a man’s hands holding a rosary with his fingernails painted hot pink. They aren’t trannies! Stupid straight people.
Read the article here, and see more sexy priest pics here.