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Entries for the ‘Plushie Schwartz’ Category

Woodstock Celebrates 40 Years of Not Eating Brown LSD

It may seem like a wild fucking acid flashback, but if you were 20 years old when Woodstock went down, you are now officially really fucking old turning 60 this month! Billed as “3 Days of Peace & Music,” the original Woodstock Music & Art Fair quickly evolved from a big fucking outdoor drug party […]

NSFW – Sasquatch

Umm. There is no way to describe this. It’s NSFW because it’s on Xtube, but there isn’t any nudity. It is, however, Not Safe To Watch. via xtube

“Weird Al” and Charles Nelson Reilly

As someone who grew up watching ‘Match Game’ when I would come home from school for lunch, I can totally appreciate Weird Al’s fascination with Charles Nelson Reilly.   He was the gate-way drug to Paul Lynde. YouTube – “Weird Al” Yankovic – CNR via

I Hate Life…I am Losing My Apt., No Job, I Just Want to Die Already

Found in the personals section: And no one cares. Thirty six years old and it is all going to end soon. Going to lose a great UES apartment see last photo. No more Manhattan, going to have to live with my parents in a fucking retirement community two hours away from the city, no job, […]

Two Ears One Cup

Steamy Corn?  Sounds like the morning after a late night burrito. Although I’m sure it’s delicious, there’s just no context where doesn’t sound kind of gross.

Cucumber Condoms

Europeans have a fascination with the way Americans eat while on the hoof.While Ms. Manners has made it clear that only fruit and ice cream (cones) are the only acceptable foods that may be consumed as you walk, one could add pickles to the list, with these handy Pickle Bags. Condoms for your cukes! From […]

Condom-in-soup case

Ewww. Guy says there was a used condom in his soup. Tied off in the middle – meaning used. He owes $300,000 to the IRS, which is just a coincidence. For some reason, the restaurant is called Claim Jumper. Claim, not Clam. My favorite part is, even after the guy has tested clean for Hep […]

Animal Crackers

Hey I love crack cocaine and men in plush animal costumes as much as the next guy, but all I can say about this is WTF??! Some randomly bizarre group in Brooklyn called Club Animals (the people plush animals recently (in)famous for offering “Free Bouncy Rides” on the L train) have started something called the […]

Dancing Bear Raids Webcam Chatrooms

Haha!  This guy is no Plushie Schwartz, but sure can dance up a storm!  And the way people are reacting you’d think they never say a grown man in a bear suit before!  Have they never been on the internet? YouTube – Dancing Bear Raids Webcam Chatrooms. Plus, Plushie would never be this mean: link […]

Yuppies Only Brunch Restaurant to Host First Ironic Meat Menu

Well, there are wine experts and Tequila sommeliers. Some schmancy joints have a buttload of water choices on their menus but Permanent Brunch we believe, is the first restaurant to “bring a special new gift to the world: the first “bacon menu” in town.” says Yes, five different bacons from different pigs and baconmakers […]