The mighty U.S. Justice Department announced recently that federal drug agents will no longer arrest or people who are legally smoking, selling or supplying medical marijuana in the states that allow it.

New York ain’t one of those states — yet — but fuck it, let’s celebrate!

How do you get high? From simple to seriously complicated, hold my hand as we take a look at some of the many ways to smoke some cannabis sativa:

A  [sarcastic air quotes]joint is a cigarette rolled using marijuana. These can vary from Europeans spliffs (usually rolled with tobacco and a filter) to standard U.S. versions, which only contain the green stuff.

A blunt is a mary-jane cigarette rolled with big-ass cigar papers. Blunts hold a ton more weed and burn much slower, allowing many more people to smoke from the same one.Learn how to roll a blunt and watch the friends roll in!
A weed pipe (or bowl) is any old contraption — wood, metal, glass, etc. — used for igniting and inhaling dope. Read up on your bowl smoking etiquette for tips on puffing in social situations.

A water pipe — also known as a bong or a bubbler — is a larger pipe with an upright container holding water. The smoke is inhaled through the water, which acts as a filter of sorts, providing a smoother and supposedly healthier hit.
A vaporizer doesn’t actually burn weed, it uses heat to vaporize it into a concentrated THC “mist” that is captured in a glass chamber for inhalation. With virtually no smoke, it’s the smoothest hit you’ll ever have!